This, That, and Some of the Other Thing

Shhh... I'm on break, from schoolwork. While the kids are sitting diligently at the kitchen table studying away, quietly assisting each other with their studies, and striving to create educational masterpieces I've snuck off to the computer. As focused as they are on their work I'm sure they'll never notice I'm gone. ***

This ...

is my latest project, inspired by the many beautiful ones I've seen on the Internet, especially on flickr. The backpacks are child sized, but with straps that adjust to be long enough for an adult to carry them.

C., who doesn't sew, thought it'd be a great and easy idea to make them reversible ... and so they are (but not as easy as I'd hoped). I decided to do the drawstring about an inch below the top for what I felt would be a slightly more polished look, and I'm pleased with it. I also did BUTTONHOLES on this for the drawstring. No big deal, except I know my Pfaff wouldn't do them and I wasn't sure about the Brother, but the Brother breezed through them as easy as pie ... maybe he's not all bad. :)

One of the best things about the backpacks is that they can be boyish. It's so easy to make girly things ... add a little ribbon, lace, floral fabric to a pretty fabric and there you go. Not so with boys ... even trim has to be "just so" or it looks girly. It has been so fun making boy stuff ... and my boys are in heaven knowing they'll get whatever doesn't turn out quite right.

That ...
is more of my family. I think they look very dysfunctional, but at least they were e-mailing each other while on their laptops.

And some of the other thing ...
When A. and M. go to speech the other boys and I head to Goodwill. This isn't our favorite Goodwill by any means. It's not one I'd ever go to if I were in search of something. But for some reason they usually have good older books for kids, so much so that I. proclaimed, "oh good, we're going to the book Goodwill" as we pulled into the parking lot. We've found other odd treasures there too ... a fantastic crib for Ditto Kiddo, a cover for I.'s Flypen, and some misc. linens, but it's the books that keep us coming back.

We found some fun ones today. First, a book on foundation pieced quilting for me. I stink at following directions, so I may never actually use the book to make a quilt but it'll make a good reference ... and it makes me feels so grown up to have a real book on quilting.

And then the kids books. All these books came from the same family. I believe I can say that with great confidence as all of them are written in, and all have the same names written in them. Normally I'd have passed on them, I'm not a fan of books with scribbles in them, but with A. and K. just learning how to read I felt we'd get our money's worth out of them (.59 each!). I think M. will appreciate the Beatrix Potter books too.

I love the pictures in the Top and Toby book, pretty colors, simple lines ... except for the pencil scribbles through all of them. Ah well, I'm sure by letter 26 we won't even notice the pencil anymore.

*** Yeah right. The truth is that I was fighting the computer, frustrated that my GPS, which I truly truly can't live without (ask anyone at the sailing center) is now discontinued and not updated, A. and K. were chasing each other and destroying the living room, and M. and I. were playing in the kitchen. Trust me, my kids don't do schoolwork if I leave the room ... or answer the phone ... or blink ... or well, you get the point. :)

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1 Comment

  1. Great job on the project. Don't you just love all the fun stuff you can find on the internet. I love visiting different sites to see what people are working on.

    Have a great weekend!
