So what do you do when the sun isn't shining and the kids are driving you batty? Tell them to get lost! So we did. At the Marion A-Mazement Park. We had done this last year with Jason and wanted to do it again with him but the weather was way too nice to leave the cottage while he was with us, so he missed out this time around. Outside the big wooden maze are two smaller ones, one through a garden with little arrow signs telling you which way you can turn, and another that's colored bricks ... easy enough except that you can only make left turns. Last year that one completely stumped us, this year my sister and I looked at it and "got it" immediately ... it seems so simple now.
I designated myself as photographer for the large maze, I have a horrid memory and could not get out of the maze last year without lots of help, so I opted out of the challenge this year. They say they change the maze every few weeks, I'm not sure if they do or not since I feel like Dory as soon as I walk in there.
About an hour later our three teams finished (two cheated to do so, but admitted it freely and were given permission to do so before they did it ... it wasn't like I was going to actually help them out of the dang place!). I and his cousin were the winners.
One of the best parts of the maze is helping other teams out ... being completely lost in a box is a great ice-breaker!
Oh, not sure if you can tell but in the top few photos there are a few girls with pretty orange hair. That'd be my teenage daughter and her teenaged cousin. C lucked out, she started with dark hair, her cousin started blonde and is now a carrot top. I was not happy (pretty mad) about the whole hair coloring thing, even if it is temporary (it had better be!). I told Jason and his reaction was "they meant to do that?" and "they did that on purpose?" and "oh, they knew what was going to happen (picture on box didn't lie) and they did it anyway?" and "what were they thinking?". The poor girls kept asking us to leave them alone and not mention it since it wasn't bothering them, but as I pointed out they didn't have to look at them themselves as often as we had to look at them. I HOPE there was a lesson learned there, but they are teenagers so I'm not holding my breath.
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