Swinging Along
These two and I took a day off to go do some college touring for Kaden, and found the right school for him. :)
On the way home we took a short detour to one of our favorite "Old Florida" spots - a boat ramp and swimming area along the Peace River and one of the few places you can find sharks teeth inland in fresh water.
We didn't sharks tooth hunt today - we weren't dressed for it and the water was FREEZING cold, but the boys had a great time swinging on a left-over rope swing.
In the summer that sandy area is mostly underwater. Usually April and May is when the water is at it's lowest and we can search for shark's teeth, so we'll see how it looks in a month, but the water is much higher than it usually is in March due to a rainier winter than usual.
I just love these little off-the-grid spots ... they're getting harder and harder to find as Florida grows and grows, but we'll keep searching for them.
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