Hey All You Cool Cats and Kittens

Toward the end of March as River and I were busy making masks to donate it was suggested that I sell masks - that the demand far exceeded the supply at that time. I thought to myself ... I can do that, a few masks for those who need them sound great. That night I went to the fabric store - only to find out they were already sold out of thread, ribbon, elastic, etc - and headed home to order elastic, ribbon, etc. on Etsy. And so it began.

The next day Etsy sent a message asking anyone who could to start making masks. It felt so good to be doing something good with my "down time" (my daycare dropped down to one child so I had a bit of extra time to work with)!

2 1/2 months later that need for masks has eased and I'm catching my breath!

Huge "thanks" to everyone who purchased a mask from Because I'm Me or Jude Harbor, and for all the positive feedback and heart-warming conversations.

And the biggest thanks to my children for all their help cutting, pinning, flipping, packaging, and shipping ... and for their patience with their Mama who had them surviving on restaurant take out family meals (best idea ever!).

I still have plenty of masks listed at Jude Harbor, including this bunch above focused on restaurants/bars/coffee shops, but have also added a few more things to the mix - like these tiger stripe cat bow ties for all the cool cats and kittens out there. As soon as I watched Tiger King I knew my cats needed new bow ties ... so between masks I made them a few and now finally am getting them listed at Beacause I'm Me .

In the midst of our social distancing Hippo (the gray cat) decided to get sick and has been diagnosed with diabetes. He's doing fine but now is getting insulin shots twice a day. He's a very loved little beast. :)

I hope you're doing well and have stayed healthy the last few months - and stay healthy moving forward.

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