Anchors Away!
It didn't do unnoticed that this blog got really quiet for over two years! The shop was open, but the social media aspect of it fell by the wayside. No real reason why, just got busy with life and focus switched to other things.
Cassie had a baby, his name is Kane and he's amazing. Truly, he is (not just saying that because I'm his Grandma!). He's 2 now and super talkative and entertaining. I can't imagine life without him, and wouldn't want to ty. Cassie is living close to home, sharing a house with Mia, so I get to see all of them very often. Cassie is working in business, as a tax analyst, and thriving.
Ian is finishing college, majoring in engineering. He's found a love of live music and has been to more concerts in the last few years than most people attend in a lifetime. Lucky for him he lives in a city that draws all sorts of acts, both big and small - except the Rolling Stones, the boys and I headed to Miami to see them this summer.
Mia moved to Chicago for six months and attended The French Pastry School. After graduating from her program she moved back and is now mastering her skills locally at a hotel.
Adam graduated high school last spring and is a full time college student, hoping to go into the culinary field. He also earned his Eagle Scout award and we had a wonderful celebration to recognize that accomplishment.
Kaden is 6'3" and growing. He mastered water skiing around a boat before Hurricane Irma - unfortunately the hurricane destroyed much of our ski team's equipment (and shut down the team). He just got his first job and is driving all over the place.
River graduated from cub scouts and is now a boy scout. He's in middle school and loves science.
I continue to sew, but not as often. My days are filled with the giggles of babies; I run a play-based daycare for newborns-three year olds, so lots of tiring, chaotic fun.
We didn't camp much after Hurricane Irma, but have gotten back in the groove the past year. The camper went with us to North Carolina this summer and kept us cool and dry. We've been to the Keys a few times but not as often as I'd like - working on that.
All in all, life is good and it's good to be back!
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