Back To School - Home School Schedule

The boys (Adam, 13, Kaden, 11, and River, 5) started back to (home)school a few weeks ago when their older siblings went back to their "traditional" schools (which now includes two in college full-time ... holy mackerel, time flies!).

Just for fun I thought I'd post our current school schedule, which is subject to change at any moment (and probably will).

7th and 8th Grade (what the boys are doing together)
Vocabulary For Classical Roots, Book A and Book B
Fix It Grammar, Level 3 (for an upcoming review, we LOVE this program!)
Stewart English 2
Basic / Not Boring Math Skills, Problem Solving
Virtual School Science, History, and Keyboarding
Creative Writing (Mama led with random writing prompts, they each write one page or more per day)

7th Grade
Saxon Math Algebra 1/2

8th Grade
Saxon Math Algebra 1
Mathletics (20 minutes, 3 days per week)
Rock Star Essay (for an upcoming review)

1st Grade
Saxon Math 1
Spelling Workout A
Logic of English Foundations B
Comprehensive Curriculum, First Grade
Brain Quest, First Grade
Mathletics (20 minutes, 3 days per week)
Reading  (20 minutes per day, either by himself or me reading to him)

I've included links to most of the curriculum, not because I think I've found the best place to buy the product, but so that you can take a look and see what the product is.

I know it looks like they do a lot of work each day. They do. But not as much as it appears, not every text is done each day, and Fridays are left pretty open to allow them to use that day as a "catch up" day.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions. :)

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