Presidents Day
I have come to realize that getting reservations at our favorite "close to home" campground on the weekends is nearly impossible, so when a teachers in-service day married Presidents Day and the kids had two weekdays free I booked a decadent waterfront site. This, Fort DeSoto, is the same park we visited last month and, truly, as soon as we walked in the door from our first visit I reserved the site for this visit.
This part offers an entirely separate area for tent, pop-up campers, and truck campers, which works perfectly for us.
For us, the waterfront sites are the way to go. They're not perfect - when the wind hits just right it's freezing in these sites while still warm and comfy on the other side of the peninsula, but the view and opportunities are unbelievable.
This round I brought my sailboat, hoping to learn a little more about sailing. The water is very shallow here so I had no worries about the kids being out on the water. Kaden did take me out sailing, I was in charge of the sail and the daggerboard. Within five minutes I had a black eye - the daggerboard got stuck so I pulled it up really, really, really, really hard and it came out flying and stopped when it hit my eye, so I got out of the boat and left the sailing to the pros.
And sail they did. The majority of our camping trip was spent at the little beach behind our campsite. Swimming isn't allowed because there are some deep holes, but wading and castle building fit the bill just right.
The camper has become a complete pain in the butt, so much so that I spent the majority of the drive home plotting it's demise. Yet once we got home I was back on the reservations website ... so I guess I'll be fixing it and preparing it for a new adventure next month.
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