
Art. Not my strong suit. Which I say very wistfully ... I love art and I wish I knew it better. If the opportunity ever arises I will take art classes, mostly about mixing color and what works visually and why. In the meantime, I want the kids to have a good basic understanding of art. Thankfully, I have found help for the older kids over the years through books, blogs, and various activities, and most recently at, a division of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, is a website devoted to current, fresh homeschooling lessons and ideas taught by . Lessons are offered in every subject imaginable - science, math, home economics, foreign languages, logic, mock trial, etc., over 25 subjects total. Classes are taught from preschool through high school levels, with new lessons added weekly and monthly.

There's even a section called "Dailies". Check out the image below to see all daily selections you'll find:

As you can see by the black drop-down tab bar above there's a lot available. In the "extras" section are free supplements and planners, great for busy families like mine.

When I first heard of I had to check it out. While the kids and I are fairly settled in our home schooling routine new inspiration is always welcome, and can lead us in all sorts of new directions.

I must admit that at first glance I wasn't blown away. It's me, not them. If a website doesn't hit me in the face with what they're trying to tell me I get distracted. It's all me. I mentioned my thoughts to a friend and she asked me if I'd look at the site tour videos. Um, no. The two videos are a total of about 7 minutes long and very clear and user friendly. See, I learned something without even opening a lesson.

After glancing through the site I found two "must tries". First, a creative writing lesson. Second, Studio Art for Teens.

The kids do creative writing every day, which I'm planning to write about soon. The lesson, however, was about writing a Sci-Fi story. How cool. The 4th and 6th grade boys were very excited and got really into it. The lesson included a solid lesson and brainstorming worksheets. Paired together they created a very clear, easy to follow study. I gave the boys a week to do their papers, from brainstorming to writing a rough draft to proofreading (4 times) to writing a final copy. Every step of the lesson plan was complete and very well written, making it easy to follow and easy to grade. They enjoyed a break from our traditional creative writing and learned a lot about how to write a solid paper.

Studio Art for Teens had Mia, my 9th grade art and poetry lover, written all over it. February was divided into four lessons - The Line, Shape, Texture, and Color. While each lesson is given a week to complete we were able to work through the first three lessons in a week.

The first lesson focused on the line, creating drawings with dimension using lines. The project in this lesson was to draw a lion, which proved to be very difficult but led to some great conversation about drawing, what worked, and what didn't.

Shape and texture captured the kids' interest as well. Mia's review of the lessons, "I like the lessons because they teach you a lot of different techniques."

Overall, I was pleased with the website and will use it again. The boys will be finishing their grammar book at the end of this month, and I'm planning to supplement with lessons throughout the spring.

Membership in the site is available for all for just $55 a year or $75 a year for site membership and annual membership in a sister site, For more membership options check out the promo page.

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Disclaimer: I received a free membership for this website through Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review now was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

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  1. Stopping by from the TOS blog linky. I'm your newest follower.

