The week, so far

This post is so photo heavy. It just is, we've done a lot the last few days.

Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas morning (Santa came!), dinner with family and friends, then a two-night camping trip.

I cannot think of a better way to have spent this week. It was perfect, and I'm pretty sure camping over Christmas break will happen next year too (though the Christmas afternoon we spent at the beach was pretty terrific too ... maybe we'll camp on the beach?).

Mia's skirt is a simple shirred skirt, using bits of fabric I had left from Christmas ties

My Dad

The boys with my parents

Something exciting in that box!

Last minute fun wrapping (thanks to the Internet)

Playing tic-tac-toe in the sand/dirt

A little home away from home

Junior Ranger booklet and an art project.

A fairly friendly tortoise

Monkey Puzzle tree

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