A Wonderful Day

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Sunset on Thanksgiving at the beach. Perfect end to the day.

Our Thanksgiving was wonderful.

Early rising to prepare the stuffing and get the turkey into the oven. Parade watching. Last minute trip to the store. Food preparing.

Holiday table.

Family. Laughter.

Holiday table.

 Talking, lots of talking.

Holiday table.

 Eating, lots of eating. Perfection.

Then to the beach for a second Thanksgiving meal.

I dig you, found written on a shovel at the beach. Adorable.

Best beach find ever, the world's cutest little shovel. Left to brighten the day of another stranger.

The family. Because I'm Me.

I am blessed.

The teenagers. Because I'm Me.

These little ones grew taller than me, two of them just this year. Gorgeous. Smart. Talented. I love them so.

Blessed once again, by a beautiful sunset. Goodnight Thanksgiving. Because I'm Me.

Good night Thanksgiving.

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