More Pleasing Patchwork

My partner for October's Block Swap Adventure swap asked for a square in pink, blue, red, and white. This is a color combination I've been wanting to use for ages but really didn't think I had enough of the right blues for it. I was so excited to *have* to make a block of those colors, and it was just the kick in the rear I needed to create the quilt I'd had in the back of my mind for so long.

As an aside, the aqua blue/red/hints of pint seed was planted by Jenny at Allsorts. She's the master of that color combination and does it so well, and often, that I couldn't help but fall in love with it. If you haven't checked out her blog and her work you really must.

 I see so many more possibilities with this color combination. Of course, that'd require buying some more fabric ... I'm pretty sure I could handle that!

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