I Changed My Mind
Last week I said I'd be posting my menu plan and shopping plan weekly, one on Sunday and the other on Monday.
I take that back.
After giving it some serious thought I decided that this is my sewing and family blog, and that it's getting too filled with other stuff and losing focus, and that doesn't work for me. So sewing, family, crafty stuff stays here -- and no, I'm not sure how sewing and family go together, exactly, but if you do one and have the other you know they do.
Personal finance and saving money, which I've spent the last few years focused on, go here at Because I'm Frugal . I'll be posting personal money saving tips, financial information, guest posts about all things penny pinching, money saving recipes, weekly menus, and shopping plans. This is something I've wanted to do for a long time but really had to wait for the right time, and that time has come. It's my hope that I'll be able to encourage and inspire myself and others to work, or continue working, towards debt freedom and financial security. I hope you'll visit me there and share -- your stories and information, and also the blog with others who'd benefit from it.
Thanks, and see you here and there.
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