Just a Minute ...

... or two or five zillion and I'll be back to post about the quilts I'm making. Three of them, to be precise. And I still have some fishing pictures from vacation begging for a post of their own. I'm just so engrossed in one of the quilts that I can't seem to do much of anything else (like cleaning, painting, a lot more cleaning, and all the other stuff I was swore I was going to do the past two weeks but haven't).

Can't post without an image ... taken by Cassie with a real film camera, a graduation gift from her father.
I swear, quilt top and fishing posts around the corner.

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2 Comment

  1. Jody,
    I have been enjoying reading your blogs and your photos from weeks past. You have a lovely family and I can tell they have had a marvelous summer time.

    I live right down the road in Naples and enjoy the quilting too.

    SEW glad I had found you - Stop by my blog as well.

  2. Look forward to seeing the pictures of your quilts! That photo is so adorable and what a nice graduation present!!
