Last Week

Toddler croquet lessons with Ian.

No posts last week. Such is the way the world turns.  It was a busy week though, which explains the lack of posting.

Reading, reading, reading. A good book and he'll be busy for ages. Not a good quiet activity, though, River is a loud reader.

Sailing, one sick child in bed for two days, scouts, a screamed "ouch" from oldest daughter who'd mis-stepped going down the stairs followed by big tears followed by big foot followed by ER visit followed by big pink cast for a big broken foot, new ride-ons and kitchen toys for the little ones, a bit of sewing and relearning how to sew a blind hem, a wonderful women's clothing swap, two mug rugs almost completed ... that's all I can remember. Doubtless there was more, as the week flew by.

Breakfast date with two of my favorite gentlemen.
I hope your week was wonderful too.

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