Let's Talk Turkey
While at Target early yesterday morning the turkeys caught my eye. Frozen turkeys were on sale for, I think, $.69 per lb, which is pretty good, and turkey breasts were on sale for $.97, I believe, per lb.
Mmkay, I don't cook much meat. If it's not frozen chicken tenderloins I don't really have a clue. I thought the turkey breast was going to be boneless and skinless, in which case the sale price was phenomenal. I bought one, about 5 lbs, for about $5.
Back home I found a coupon for $.50 off a deli item and, since the turkey was near the deli, I figured I should be able to use the coupon. Back we went, for another turkey, some Stove Top Stuffing (on sale and combined with coupons for a price of $.04 per box), and some clearance cereal ($.75 per box after clearance and coupons). The coupon worked just fine, so the second turkey cost about $4.50 for close to 5 lbs.
Back home I opened one of the turkeys and was quite surprised to see skin and bones there. No big deal, just not quite what I was expecting. I choose to cook Ms. Turkey (she's all breast, must be a Ms.) in the crock pot, adding a soup seasoning packet, some apples, and a tiny bit of butter. After 2 hours on high and about an hour on low she was done, really, really moist and flavorful.
After eating a bit of the turkey for dinner I weighed the meat that was left - almost 2 lbs., making the turkey now cost about $2.25 per lb (after deducting an amount for dinner). Suddenly the deal wasn't quite so tasty.
I put the "leftovers" (bones, skin, random drippings, etc.) back in the crock pot, added enough water to cover the turkey carcass, and added some carrots, onions, and a little salt. Cooked it in the crock pot on high for 2 hours, then on low overnight. That created about 13 cups of turkey broth, without all the sodium of the store bought kind.
The leftover turkey was served for lunch and dinner today. The broth will be used for cooking in place of, or in addition to, water.
The verdict: It wasn't the great bargain I'd hoped for, but it was easy to cook, extremely tasty, and enabled me to make the broth as well. While it's not something I'd buy and cook regularly it will definitely appear on the menu again in the near future.
Oh, I also picked up a baking pumpkin for $.99 (on the second visit, on the first visit they were priced at $2.99 ... must not have put up new signs yet). Cooked it in my little crock pot while the broth was cooling in the big one. To cook it I cut it in half across it's midsection, scooped out and set aside the innards, and stuck the two halves in the crock pot. I set the crock pot on low and forgot about it for hours. While it was cooking I baked the seeds for the kids to nibble on. After the pumpkin was done I scooped out his now squishy insides and cooled them in a bowl. The $.99 pumpkin yielded about 3 cups of "meat", which I bagged into 1 cup portions and froze to use in muffins, pancakes, etc.
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