Doing Laundry
Out of nowhere today I decided the little ones needed a clothesline and clothespins to go in their kitchen/housekeeping/babies area.
Within about five minutes I'd strung some twine through a half dozen clothespins and hung it up on a gate that separates the family room, where the kids play, from the kitchen.
I love clothespins and clotheslines. When I owned Ditto Kiddo clotheslines were often incorporated in displays ... easy to hang stuff, looks casual, easy to manipulate and alter the function of, and generally just plain cute and "homey".
If it wouldn't send the "aesthetics committee" (yes, for real) over the edge I'd have a clothesline in the back yard. And I'd use it for laundry and for photographing quilts and for making fairy walls (lots of hanging ribbon, if you ask me) and for hanging bubble blowing targets and and and.
After a half hour or so the kids tired of the game and moved on. Currently the clothespins are holding superhero capes (out of shimmery tulle-like fabric ... girls have awesome powers too). But they could also hold flashcards, if that's what interested someone that day, or a blanket to make a hidey-hole, or display artwork for a day, or hold a variety of items of different textured fabrics to feel and compare.
What most excited me about this was that (a) it was free and easy peasy and (b) it's versatile and perfectly suited for both boys and girls.
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