Asking a Favor

I am preparing to make a twin-sized quilt in blue, orange, and white. The blues I'm using are teal and turquoise, as well as a few darker shades, and the oranges are bright cheerful oranges, either light creamsicle colored or the darker brighter tones of an actual orange.

My request from you is fabric scraps in blue, orange, and/or white. But I don't want fabrics with other colors in them ... just the blue, orange, and white. Oh, and fun fabrics. I'm in love with this Heather Ross fabric line and am looking for things along those lines ... simple colors, fun, playful ... More than anything I need oranges and whites with orange and/or blue.

I'm not sure yet what I'll use as a pattern, but I'm thinking pieces anywhere from 3"by 3" and up would be perfect.

I'll blog more about this later and will post pictures of the project as the opportunity arises.

I can't pay for the fabric right now but I will pay shipping if you'd like.

Please contact me for my address if you're able to pass a few leftovers along.

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3 Comment

  1. I'm not sure I have any that fit the bill, but if I did, what should it be made out of (like cotton, cotton blend, etc.)? Is all quilting material standard type, so this is a silly question?

  2. I may have some scraps that would fit the bill - send me your address and I'll send some your way!

  3. Oh, my gosh, I am planning a quilt in the same colors - only I am adding red (I think)...
