Shirr Crazy

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I can't seem to get enough of this shirring business. From what I can tell I only have three more items to make ... two dresses and a top ... so I won't be boring you with these images for too much longer!

The dress is for my niece, the other two tops are for C.

dress for my niece

dress for my niece detail

top for C.

top for C. back

second top for C.

second top for C. detail

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3 Comment

  1. Wow. These are two gorgeous! Totally love them and don't mind seeing them any day.

  2. Those dresses are wonderful, I love them all.
    Keep them coming after all they give us

  3. You are *never* boring. And the colors of that last top make me swoon. I wish I was little enough to wear something like that. lol.
