
Thinking back over the last year brings so much joy to my heart. A. has grown and changed so much this year. He has worked hard to communicate more "appropriately" with other kids, he has learned to read (and well!), he has increased his vocabulary incredibly, he has taken much more of a "big brother" role with K., and all around he's just had a great year.

4 Comment
Wow! 7 years old! Hope he had a great birthday and a fun night out with mom and dad!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie! Hope your little man has a great day! Mine's 1 and I can't imagine him being 7...just seems so far away.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday A!
ReplyDeleteI know you will have a wonderful dinner with Mom & dad tonight. How special. :)
Jody, it was a beautiful post. It brought a tear to my eye.
Congratulations on the past 7 years!