Good Finds

oct05 003
Pottery Barn Kids edited: supposed to read Pier 1 Kids! (sorry for the confusion!) stores are closing nationwide. We have two of them in our area and last night the kids and I hit one of them and walked out with a wall hanging and three wooden letters for less than $2.50. I. wasn't able to find an I so he asked if we could stop at the other location tonight. We did and boy am I glad! We didn't find an I, just lots of A's and question marks, but we did get a window valance for less than $4, a toy truck for less than $1, and a huge wall shelf ... it's at least 12" deep by 6' long for $75. I needed the shelf for the younger boys room because my father has given them a boxful of truck models that need to be displayed UP HIGH.

So how much do you think I paid for the headboard above? It's brand new, and pretty. I'm sure it went to something else (daybed?) but all I needed was the headboard. I've been looking for something similar to this for the bed in the sewing room (doing some furniture rearranging) so this caught my eye immediately. It's also the perfect color for me. Ok, so I asked how much it was and the gal said $5. Oh yes, it's so mine. Brand spanking new for $5! I was thrilled. Then she came back and, very seriously, said "don't fall down but I looked up the price ..."

I was sure she was going to tell me it was more and I was mentally figuring what I'd be willing to pay for it ($20, definately, maybe even $25?).

"It's 87 cents."

I did almost fall down. :) I'm so happy with this and it truly is exactly what I was looking for. I can't wait to find a mattress and box spring for it, and make a quilt for it.

oct05 008

Last night, after the first Pier 1 Kids stop, we stopped at our favorite local fabric store, Quilt Lovers' Hangout. I was so happy to find the Freshcut fabric, they never have it and I needed one of those two for a project. The other two large pieces were 1/2 price ... I'm not sure what they are going to be used for but I'm sure I'll find something.

As I was getting the fabrics cut the kids were poking around, as they do (always), and found three buckets of $.50 pieces, all the fabric bits tied with rubber bands. Each piece is 6-12" and 42" wide. And then the larger rolled up fabrics were $1.50 each, and each was at least 1/3 yard. I figured out the per yard prices last night and it all ended up being about $3.60 a yard or so ... not bad!

I can't explain the pink rolled piece, above the black and white floral. One of the kids threw that one in when I wasn't looking ... that one may be gifted to my Mother, it definately isn't my style!

My last happy deal didn't stay in one place long enough to get a picture. I popped into Goodwill to look at sheets and books and instead found boys shoes ... 2 pair of Converse hi-tops, one pair of black Heely's, a pair of suede Converse, a pair of Van's, and a pair of New Balance all for $1.99-2.99 each. K. had just gotten a pair of Heely's from Ditto Kiddo and A. was pining for some so that was a perfect find for him. C. and M. stole most of the rest of them ... and they actually look pretty cool on girls (M. got both pairs of hi-tops, green and orange, and she's in heaven ... I'm sure it won't be long before she's wearing them with skirts). I had a full frequent shopper card so the total of the purchase was $1.xx.

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6 Comment

  1. WOW! wonderful finds!


    Good job.

  2. Oh my goodness! You lucky thing - that makes my own fabric haul seem rather lame in comparison!!!

    I must tell my friend in Canada that Pottery Barn Kids is closing (am assuming it will be there too, if it is in the US?) - what a shame, it seems so well loved!


  3. Florence, they closed their website so I think it's nationwide. Everything in the store is at least 90% off.

    Thanks Malissa.

  4. I didn't know they were closing! What great finds! I love those kind of days!

  5. oh gosh, you sure know how to find the deals. All that stuff for so little!! AMAZING. off to Pier 1 Kids!

  6. You could't afford NOT to buy those things! :) Love that!
