Log Cabin-ish-y Quilt
I thought I'd mentioned this quilt before but I can't find anything about it, so maybe not. If so, well, here you go again.
I made the top for this quilt right before our summer vacation. I got about 1/5 of the way done with the quilting when I just ran out of time and had to leave. Now, I know I'm not the only one who'd do this (please feel free to chime in with a "me too") so I feel I can tell you ... I packed up the sewing machine and took the whole project with me ... from Florida to Wisconsin to Tennessee to the Carolinas and back to Florida.
I did not get a chance to finish the quilt at the cottage, though I did get to use the sewing machine to modify a few t-shirts for a family picture. We all had tye-dyed shirts and, using awesome elastic thread, I was able to make halters, tanks, v-necks, etc. for the girls. Perhaps someday my niece will send some pictures to me so I can post them (hint, hint).
In Hilton Head, SC, on the way home, I found some time and completed the quilting and put the binding on. And then this week, sitting through a long tedious day of meetings with attorneys, I finished hand sewing the binding.
The starting point fabric in the quilt is the black with pink bird and flowers. The blocks are sewn log-cabin style, but are random as is my preference most of the time. There are quite a few Anna Maria Horner fabrics mixed into this. I've used the same fabric for the binding before and love the way it looks when it's complete.
The backside is a red Ikea fabric with a row of blocks.
I love the cheeriness of this quilt. It makes my heart sing to look at it.
1 Comment
love the boldness of this quilt! no wonder it makes you happy!