Mad Couch Hunting
I guess I get fifty lashes for not adhering to "A Post a Day in May". I ran out of things to say and failed to post yesterday (I also went to bed early ... which is pretty dang decadent!).I've posted about this couch before, but it's something Jason and I go back and forth about constantly. I love this couch. I have since the day I bought it, even though it's very floral and was a kind of scary purchase ... I knew I liked it, but wasn't sure anyone else would.
I bought it about 13 years ago at an outlet shop for Robb and Stuckey. I paid less than $400 for it, maybe even less than $300. At the time the salesman told us to expect it to last 5 years.
Have I mentioned that I love it?
We've been looking for a replacement for about 4 years ... yes, four years. Nothing compares, I swear. Nothing we've found would hide stains as well, looks like it'd last as long, matches our house and style, AND comes at a reasonable price. I've even looked for fabric to recover it but I like the fabric that's already on it, and, apparently, only that fabric ... sigh.
Well, last weekend we were sure we were going to hit the jackpot. Robb and Stuckey was having a super duper warehouse clearance sale ... millions of dollars worth of great deals. We knew this would be IT and we'd find a new couch.
Um, yeah, we liked one. And it was $6000. $6000.00. That was the sale price.
Do I need to say that we're still looking for "the" couch?
1 Comment
I have a similar couch from the 80s that is in really great condition. Its just ugly now (mauve). I need to cover it but I've not gotten the courage up. Fabric to cover it is so expensive. I sometimes wonder if it is worth it but 6k for a couch, yeah fabric to cover would be cheaper.