Goings On Around Here

A few happenings of late ...
A visit to a new county park, with a very unclear hiking path, a large portion of it made only by trampling down grasses. We got lost twice, Adam had fun leading the way trying to piece together a path by the red-marked poles. Definitely a hike that couldn't be taken too seriously.

Wild Turkey Strand Preserve, Lee County, Florida, new hiking and observation park.
 Wild Turkey Strand Preserve, Lee County, Florida, new hiking and observation park.

 The Little House on the Prairie theme song ran through my head throughout the hike.

Wild Turkey Strand Preserve, Lee County, Florida, new hiking and observation park.

A Birthday party, complete with Chinese take-out at the request of the birthday boy (I had no idea he was such a big fan of Chinese take-out), and a cake with sprinkles inside AND on top.

Birthday Cake, Because I'm Me

Birthday Cake, Because I'm Me

A weekend sail.

Sailing, Because I'm Me

Sailing, Because I'm Me

Sailing, Because I'm Me

Sailing, Because I'm Me

Sailing, Because I'm Me

Sailing, Because I'm Me

Sailing, Because I'm Me

Sailing, Because I'm Me

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