Cookie Time

For years our gift to family and friends was cookies ... lots of cookies. I'd make 10-15 different types of cookies, always at least doubling or tripling the recipes.

Last year we didn't give cookies and we aren't this year either, largely because the cost of shipping is just too ridiculous (and because of my diet ... cookies just aren't in it and I can't say no to them ... they call my name and beg to be eaten, I swear they do). I do love making them though and it's such a Christmas tradition at our house that I knew we'd be making some ... and I knew if I looked long and hard I'd find a few people willing to take some of the finished product off my hands.

So it begins ...

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In front are chocolate-mint snow top cookies, to the left are naked "bon-bon cookies" which will be covered in green and red glaze tomorrow and then topped with chocolate, and then there are the sugar cookies.

I didn't make the sugar cookies, at all. The kids, mostly M., took care of those. It's wonderful to see the love and attention that went into these, each cookie is completely unique and obviously well thought out. Unfortunately, or not, there was a little too much finger licking for these to be given to anyone but immediate family!

The bon-bons are also M.'s work. These are everyone's favorites, and I'll try to post the recipe in the next day or two.

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We've also made pecan bars, toffee bars, and C. made this decadent, nothing but fattening, Heath bar-type stuff. It's insanely good. The recipe is posted below. Don't be detered by the lack of anything even remotely healthy or unfattening in it ... they're worth the calories. I promise. In fact, I'm so sure they're good that if you make them and don't like them you can send the rest to my family and we'll dispose of them for you (it's not often I make an offer so generous!).

1 lb. butter
2 C. sugar
1/2 C. water
1 t. salt
16 oz. chocolate chips

Combine first 4 ingredients in heavy pot. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, until thermometer reaches 300 degrees (will change color and thickness), pour onto 10x15 pan or cookie sheet, sprinkle chips on top and spread when melted. Refrigerate. Break into pieces.

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