Thursday Notes

Bow ties are in the shop, joining the neckties. All the ties are $13 each, and most of the bow ties are available in infant (0-3 years), toddler (2-6 years), child (4-8 years) and preteen (8-13 years).

Etsy allows the seller to organize the way images appear on the shop home page. I couldn't decide what order to put things in (quilts first?, bow ties and crayon rolls first?, onesies first?) so I organized the shop by color. I have no idea what that might do for sales, but it was fun and it does look nice. Mostly though, at the end of the day, it gives me a great reason to laugh at myself.

Some of the celery is dying. I think it had too much water. Not one to be deterred, I have more celery bases ready to plant and will plant those in milk jugs with bigger drain holes.

But look below. Little cherry tomatoes are growing. Very exciting!

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