Free Declaration of Independence and Constitution
It's really bothering me that I can't find time to post. It's bothering me more though that I have no crafting or crafty thoughts to post about. It's all about ebb and flow though, isn't it, and soon enough I'll have more than enough to write about to make up for this "busy with every day life" time.
In the meantime we're fighting colds, getting ready for our camping trip, and attempting to convince River to cheer a loud and enthusiastic "Go Pack go" on Sunday (he currently just says "um, no" when we ask him to say it - and NO, he's not a Steelers fan).
Here's a quick freebie that made me happy, found here at MoJoSavings. Go here to order your free pocket book with free shipping. My kids have been offered a pretty substantial amount of cold hard cash by their father if they memorize the two documents and they fully intend to take his money ... I'm pretty sure they haven't yet realized that the book is 114 pages long.
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