Saturday Morning
Most Saturday mornings Kaden, River, and I head to the local once-a-week produce market.
The first thing I get a hold of is radishes, always radishes. Real, dirt-covered, red radishes. As soon as we get home I'm at the sink rinsing, removing the root and leaves, and nibbling away. The radishes that survive my immediate attack get cleaned up and set in the fridge in a bucket of water, easy to grab, easy to eat. Lucky for me, I'm the only one in the house who loves them. Unlucky for me, they're usually gone by Wednesday morning.
I've been looking at various recipes to use the greens and the best I've come up with is tossing them in salad or sauteing like spinach. I hate to just toss them as there are so many and they are green and leafy.
Kaden is my bell pepper shopper. He picks the very best red and green peppers ... and he'll eat them like apples if I let him.
We also choose either yellow squash or zucchini, generally served broiled with a hint of butter, garlic, and bread crumbs.
Whatever we buy, the total we spend is never more than $6, and it always lasts us an entire week - the prices are that good.
River doesn't care for vegetables (or much else) but gets joy out of being big enough to be trusted to "stand on the line" (my rule when you get out of the car, because there is usually more than one little one to get out ... stand on the parking lot space divider line until Mama holds your hand), and looking at and touching the produce with his big brother, checking out the textures, shapes, colors, and then putting names to everything.
Last week I rode my bike over with River in the trailer. It's an easy ride and I'm fairly certain one that will become a part of our Saturday morning routine.
While the weekly stops at the produce market really are a little thing they feel good. The youngest kids and I do it together, routinely, giving us something that's just "ours". The produce is "real" and fresh and locally grown, much more personal and earthy than the grocery store. It's just so refreshing after a long week.
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